Tla’amin Nation
We are grateful to the Tla’amin Nation for allowing us to share their traditional lands.

Shingle Mill Pub and Bistro
The Shingle Mill has been a close partner of the Shuffle since the start in 1993. The Shingle Mill allows the event to use their two (2) upper parking lots for the finish line and parking. Park for free and get a bus to the start of the Shuffle. The Shingle Mill also offers every Shuffle participant and volunteers a drink and a convenient place for you to celebrate after the Shuffle. If you’re lucky, Tricia (who has been a key supporter of the event every year since 1993) will be your server!

City of Powell River
Maintaining a strong sense of community is important to the people who administer the City of Powell River. A key question for Shuffle organizers is “How do we get participants to the start of the point-to-point Marathon Shuffle course?” When we came begging for help in 2022, the City literally saved the event by providing two (2) buses. Many thanks to Gary Johnson, Tor Birtig and Mayor Ron Woznow and City Council for your ongoing support of the Marathon Shuffle.

PRSAR (Powell River Search and Rescue)
This group of local volunteers is there for us if we need them. PRSAR members dedicate their time to help people when playing outdoors turns into misadventure. Representatives of PRSAR will be available to help during the Shuffle. Note: PRSAR is notified by the 911 service. If there’s a serious medical issue during the Shuffle (or anytime) please call 911.

460 Realty
These folks know Powell River and go out of their way to do things that serve the local community. Agent Dustin Villeneuve, has served on the board of qPAWS (organizers of the Marathon Shuffle) and continues to help maintain the Sunshine Coast Trail. He and Team 460 manage the finish line of the Shuffle. They’re the ones who set up the tents, yell encouragement as you near the finish, confirm your finish times and offer you a seat if you need to catch your breath. They also manage the Lost and Found, so if you lost a special water bottle while out Shufflin’ they’ll hopefully have it for you at the finish.

The Dirt Monkeys
Yes, dirt monkeys thrive in the qathet region! Dirt Monkey are the people who maintain the Sunshine Coast Trail. Starting just after New Years Day, they’re out most Tuesdays and Thursdays “Shuffle-izing” the Marathon Shuffle course. They clear fallen trees, drain mudholes, cut back the jungle and otherwise make sure the trail is in great shape for the Marathon Shuffle. Special kudos to Scott Glaspey, Monty Drake and Eagle Walz who’ve been at it for over 30 years!

Since before the Marathon Shuffle was even an idea, family-operated Aaron had been serving the qathet community with purified water and eco-friendly products for years. Again in 2024, Aaron will be making sure that thirsty Shufflers will have crystal-clear water at the aid stations. Thank you, Coranne and Trevor Anderson!

When ‘ya gotta go, ‘ya gotta go… and at the start of the Marathon Shuffle when you get the butterflies, ‘ya gotta go NOW! Thanks to Rural Septic Services, you won’t have to go in the great outdoors because they’ve provided three (3) portable toilets at the start and finish of the Marathon Shuffle. Thank you, Bonnie and Dan Robinson for helping out Shuffle participants in their time of need for many years!

Manager Terri Cramb and the team at Anytime Fitness have been enthusiastically managing the aid station at Appleton for years. You’re halfway home when you get there!

Thank you, Chris Rueshmann, for stocking the Marathon Shuffle aid stations with nutritious bananas and oranges.

Frequent Marathon Shuffle finishers, parents to top finishers in the under-18 age group, and aid station volunteers: a big shout-out to Katie and Joseph McLean for the custom number bibs!

Since 2016, the fine folks at Sunshine Coast Shuttle have been helping hikers, runners and mountain bikers get to and from their favorite trails in the qathet region (upper Sunshine Coast.) Manager of the Sunshine Coast Shuttle, Jesse Newman, has volunteered to help put on the Shuffle since 2016. Note: Jesse is also the President of qPAWS, the organization that built and maintains the Sunshine Coast Trail and hut system.