The hut at Anthony Island along Inland Lake is one of two huts on Inland Lake that are managed by BC Parks and require a modest user fee. (Reservation information.) This hut has been made accessible to hikers of the Sunshine Coast Trail, but be aware, walkers with mobility issues do have priority. This facility, located along the popular Inland Lake Trail, is wheelchair accessible. To get to this hut, take the turnoff along the Inland Lake Trail that is between the parking lot and the start of the Confederation Lake trail section. Inland Lake became a provincial park in 1997, and qPAWS is proud to have been part of those negotiations.

Inland Lake is a beautiful local treasure. It’s a great place to camp, swim, canoe, walk, run and bike. The lake is warm in summer months, and is the perfect place to take a dip and refresh yourself after long days of hiking.

Inland Lake-Anthony Island Hut At-A-Glance

  • 67
  • 3
  • Small closed hut
  • Outhouse, picnic tables, wheelchair access, great swimming

Why you should go

Inland Lake is a favourite day hiking / picnicking / swimming / biking / canoeing spot in Powell River. Anthony Island is a lovely 40-minute walk, one way, from the parking lot, and boasts a nice beach, picnic tables, and of course the hut, which is a nice place to camp out. This is a great “first hut” visit for those just getting their feet wet on the Sunshine Coast Trail.

How to get there

Inland Lake Park is located north of Powell River. Turn uphill on Duncan Street to Manson Avenue and then turn left at the stop sign. Follow Manson a little over 2 km to Cassiar, and turn right, driving around the northeast side of Cranberry Lake to Haslam. Turn right up Haslam, and at the top of the short hill turn left onto the gravel road for about 5 km. Turn right at the Haywire Bay / Inland Lake intersection for another 2 km, then turn left into the campsite parking lot.

Hike northward on the gravel trail that loops around the lake. Two of the three small huts that were originally built for persons with disabilities are now available for use by the general public. These huts, which can accommodate two people each, are situated away from the main campsite at the parking lot. (The one at the parking lot is always reserved for people with mobility challenges). The Anthony Island Hut is located near the KM 4 marker along the Inland Lake trail section of the SCT.

See the Sunshine Coast Trail Guidebook for more detailed information.

Flowers blooming at Inland Lake on the Sunshine Coast Trail
A variety of flowers bloom around the lake throughout the year.