Troubridge Emergency Summit Shelter: For years there was a derelict emergency shelter that in case of need was used a few times to get out of nasty weather at the summit. But it really needed replacing and so in 2014 we prefabricated an A-frame that is fully insulated top, bottom and sides.
There is no water up at the summit and hikers intending to stay there need to carry it up there. Fabulous views out over the southern Sunshine Coast and the islands of the Salish Sea.
Troubridge Emergency Shelter At-A-Glance
- 159
- 4
- Closed A-frame insulated shelter
- Outhouse, screened window, door
The advantage for people snowshoeing up that way coming from the south side (Rainy Day Lake) and running out of steam is that they can stop there rather than powering down through deep snow. Then carry on next day down to Jocelyn Pond cabin in the light of day.