Activities during the Labour Day week 2015: The closest we could get the materials to the Mount Troubridge was near Elephant Lake on Branch 41. From there everything had to be flown up to the cabin at the pond. Supplies, tools, building materials, etc. were loaded into nets that were “sown” up at the top so everything would fly well.
After a few hours of waiting in the clouds, they finally lifted long enough for the helicopter to drop off the nets and slings. We got busy right away and began building the foundation for the outhouse and the two chambers for the bimaxian composting toilet. Others built the scaffolds and then started to sand, stain and paint the outside again. Finishing carpentry also spiffied up the building, adjustment of the chimney in a settling log cabin. All of that took roughly four days, and then we built the new dock in the pond, finished the new toilet and took down the old, finished building, marking and signing a new and safer trail at the top of the mountain, which now leads everyone past the new Summit Emergency Shelter. Other shuffle-izing trail-work was also completed round and about – and a new place to get running water was established below the effluent of the pond.
Visitors dropped by and stayed a day or night while we worked. It was nice to see people arrive from all over the place in this case Taylor on the front steps with Kira behind her. Together with the Crew: back row – Butch and Don, middle row – Scott, Eagle, Kira and Ben, front row – Gord, Jim and Taylor. The two ladies are studying tourism and flew from Medicine Hat to hike the whole Sunshine Coast Trail. This was Day 10 for them I believe with two to go to Saltery Bay. I understand they earned their certificate of completion and got the stamps for their SCT passports at the Powell River Visitors Centre on Joyce Avenue at the rampant bear statue.
We also cleaned up both around and under the log cabin, as well as up at the Summit shelter. Now everything is tidy. No more odds and ends cluttering the scene. However, some time this fall or next spring we will dismantle the old emergency shelter (a former radio shack) at the summit and tidy that up too. We thank everyone for their support.
Please visit Troubridge – it’s quite a magical place and soon the lowlands will be draped in fog while Troubridge will be in its sunny glory.